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MastaMic +JITR

Kylis 孔惠佳一首《Love Me Not》的合作,造就了 MastaMic 與 JamintheRoom 的合作。MastaMic 與 JamintheRoom 在洽談間,知道了 MastaMic 希望以 Contemporary Playlist 作為 MASTAPIECE 後的專輯概念,藉以探索香港 HipHop 在取材上、音色上、元素上等等的可能性。


JamintheRoom 因此亦在誠邀 MastaMic 參與 +JITR Project。在提供資源的協助下,2021年 MastaMic 推出單曲《食色》,並於老字號蓮香樓拍攝MV;更於蘭桂芳荷蘭正酒館舉辦了單曲發佈會。


The single "Love Me Not" by Kylis featuring MastaMic has created the opportunity for the +JITR Project collaboration. Through deep conversations, MastaMic expressed his will to produce the new concept album "Contemporary Playlist" so as to explore the possibilities about the texture, tone, sampling and use of elements in Hong Kong Hip Hop.


JamintheRoom thus invited MastaMic to join the +JITR Project. With the support of +JITR, MastaMic launched his new single "食色" in 2021, have the single MV shot in the renowned Lin Heung Tea House, and have a launch event at Ho Lan Jeng Pub, Lan Kwai Fong. 

About MastaMic

香港的嘻哈歌手或組合,能夠受主流認識的,除了歐陽靖、LMF、廿四味和農夫,還有的就是MastaMic,又名馬米,本名唐崇政。他在香港嘻哈圈活躍十多年,每年都創作一首「HK Rap Up」用說唱回顧香港發生的事,亦曾於香港電台節目《頭條新聞》創作諷刺時弊的歌,又與不同歌手合作,例如鄭秀文、容祖兒、關楚耀、J. Arie、Kylis Hung 等等。


MastaMic 曾於武漢大學修讀法律系,當時已開始饒舌創作。他曾是港台節目《頭條新聞》常客,製作了多首諷刺時弊的饒舌歌曲。2011-2013年間分別自資推出個人mixtape《The New Hope Mixtape》、《Justice Is What I Rap For》以及首張個人專輯《流行反擊戰》。2017年,每年12月尾都會推出《Rap Up》系列的MastaMic表示2017年尾是最後一首年度《Rap Up》,這系列將後會無期。2018年,MastaMic 推出個人專輯《MASTAPIECE》,取材豐富的音色、帶有本土味道的編調、極速的Rap,成就了一張十分完整的 Hip Hop 專輯。


2021年,MastaMic 以《食色》一曲宣告第5張專輯的概念 Comptemporary Playlist 正式啟動,《食色》一曲更揉合粵曲的原素來以食喻色,重新探索香港味道的 MastaMic Hip Hop 應該何去何從。


回顧十年人事,MastaMic 睇到香港轉變快過火箭,又睇到新聞內容本質一致,只是時間人物地點轉了名字,荒誕劇一再上演,並慨嘆要循環多少次,我們才會醒覺?

Among the renowned hip hop units in Hong Kong, MastaMic is one of the pillars in Hong Kong Hip Hop standing alongside with MC Jin, LMF, 24Herbs and Fama. His series "HK Rap Up", which wrap up the significant events of the year at new year's eve, was popular among the public. In his early years, he collaborated with RTHK's programme "Headline News" and created a series of short pieces of political satire. He involved in numerous collaboration projects, including  Eason Chan, Sammi Cheng, Joey Yung, J. Arie, Kylis Hung and etc.


Between 2011-2018, MastaMic has released 2 mixtapes "The New Hope Mixtape" and "Justice is What I Rap for" together with 2 albums "流行反擊戰" and "MASTAPIECE" under self-finance.


In 2021, MastaMic kick start his new album concept "Contemporary Playlist" with a new single "食色", which music blends with Canton Opera music texture and raps about the Hong Kong food culture. MastaMic is determined to develop his own Hong Kong style Hip Hop vibe using the every bits of elements we might find in the Hong Kong lifestyle.


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