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+JITR Project

作為一個香港獨立音樂平台,JamintheRoom 一直希望嘗試及探究香港音樂製作的運作模式的可能性。從建立一個集訪問樂手、樂器評鑑、歌詞探討、偏鋒音樂導賞等等節目於一身的社交網絡平台,到設立協助獨立音樂人的錄音室,甚或以緊撮的資金開設獨立廠牌並簽入4個音樂單位;JamintheRoom 自開始至今均希望以一個又一個運作實驗去開拓新的音樂製作及發行的模式,讓更多獨立音樂人有更多的音樂發行的選擇。


+JITR Project 正是以上概念的伸延。


作為香港的音樂人,如需發行音樂,最普遍的方法便是簽入唱片公司或是以獨立音樂人身份自資製作音樂。惟兩種做法各有其短 - 唱片公司的運作必然涉及商業的效益考慮,對創作的商業口味有一定的要求;獨立製作則面對緊撮的資金,成為製作上的最大掣肘。


+JITR Project 便是兩者之間的緩衝實驗。透過獲得製作完成品的部分利潤,+JITR Project 為獨立音樂人提供一定的製作資源,並提供錄音設施及場所,讓獨立音樂人在不需要妥協於商業效益下有更充裕的資源去完成自己的作品。


惟 JamintheRoom希望推廣以概念推動創作的創意原則,我們需要音樂人提供創作企劃的概念和訊息,以作評審批核。如任何獨立音樂人有興趣參與 +JITR Project,請以電郵或填上 Contact 中的表格聯絡我們。

Being an independent music platfom in Hong Kong, JamintheRoom aims to explore the possibilities on how to produce music and to operate music projects. From a social media channel that conduct musician interivews, gear reviews, lyrics exploration and alternative music guide, to kick start a recording studio aiming for indie musicians, as well as starting an independent label with 4 music units; from beginning to now JamintheRoom is exploring the options through actions and actions to discover new model of music production and operation, hoping that independent musicians have more choices on music production and release.


+JITR Project is indeed the extension of our core value.


Being a musician in Hong Kong, the most common ways to publish one's music will be joining a major label, or being an independent musician and self-finance the production. But both ways have its issues - joining a major label means a partial surrender to commercial operation, by which creatives may need to compromise to commercial decisions; self-financing music production means a tight budget on production, making perfection to our own ideas a big challenge.


+JITR Project is the buffer between both options. Through a shared profit on the published items as a contribution by musicians, +JITR Project offers independent musicians a certain amount of resources as well as recording facilities and venues so that musicians may not need to sacrifice their original ideas on commercial efficiency and still be able to achieve their goals.


+JITR Project, however, wishes to promote the idea of creating through conceptual development. That is why we requires musicians who are interested in having the collaboration with us through +JITR Project to submit their proposal mentioning about the concept and messages in their music production project for selection. If you are interested to join our +JITR Project, do e-mail us or fill in the contact form in our CONTACT page.

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